

Yesterday began the school's winter spiritual retreat. It is student led, and student organized. Love it! The students have to rise to the occasion; learning about the Lord of course, themselves, their strengths, their weaknesses. When they are left to sink or swim, they learn valuable lessons that last a lifetime.

When Bek and I arrived at the campground, I know she was nervous. I was a little bit nervous for her, and myself. I even called one of my students not by his correct name! How embarrassing. Now I know how the "newbies" feel. Great teacher I am. This is Bek's first experience with the school and I am praying that it will be super! She has been attending another Christian school, but since I was hired here at LPA her father and I were just waiting for the right time to make the transition. It seemed like the perfect time for everyone, but..... Bekah. She will be in my 10th grade English class. I am ecstatic about the opportunity to teach her. I just get teary eyed about the chance to have even a greater influence on my daughter. Words do not express.....I love that class too; they say what is on their minds, are opinionated, care about each other, love to debate (especially Theology), are excited about life, and learning. What more could I ask for? Oh, yea maybe a little order in a midst the chaos?...........
One of the reasons that I wanted to continue my blog once again is that I am dying to share the love I have for my students and the learning process. I know Ken, my husband, gets tired of hearing about them. I come home everyday with the joys of the day. The joys of interaction with the greatest kids on earth. Let me tell you a little about some of them. E. is a precious girl that stole my heart the very first time I assigned a creative essay. She wrote about being adopted from a far away land, the experiences she remembers of the orphanage, her former family, her new family, and how she so wants to tell the other children there about how Jesus has touched her heart. Then there are the "boys" that fight everyday to see who will carry my rolling cart to the next building. One student has already written two novels! Then there are the guys that want to sit around and debate theology! I catch them in the hallways talking about it on their own. One of the teachers during study hall has a "mini" theology lesson and debate with the seventh graders! They pontificate in class what they are learning, along with South Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, and Roll Tide football. Then there are those that don't say a word. Everyday I pray that I would somehow touch their hearts to see how valuable they are to Him and to me. I have students that blow me away on a regular basis.
This model of schooling also has its headaches, not to mention the headache I am in learning the system. The benefits outweigh the liabilities big time. I am still getting used to the software system, the greater accountability parental wise, the larger volume of parental interaction, and just the "rules" that come with being at a different school. I have messed up more than I can tell you. Forgotten to post assignments, forgotten to take down assignments, too hard, too easy, not enough homework, too much homework ....."Lynn....you are not doing it right!"
But......God's grace always is right there pleading for me to trust, to pray, to persevere.


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Praise God!