

For three years I've cut music off from my life-it was just too painful to go there. We all know that music moves our emotions like no other medium. This morning, I am home from church because of illness. I turned on my i-tunes, cause I thought I would give it a try. I haven't listened to i-tunes for 3 years! I was doing my Algebra, which is a new love in my life, and urned on the musical Wicked. Oh I have purposfully not listened to it I couldn't listen to it without grieving all the wonderful people I was forced to leave behind. all the people that changed my life for good.

Six of us good friends flew to New York to go to the broadway play Wicked, oh how I am moruning them. I love them all still. I think about them, I pray for them and the one that is no longer with us I miss with an intense loss.
As the song says, "I have been changed for the better, " I have been changed by these 5 women, and oh how I miss them. I long for the day when we will be in Heaven with no barriers. Maybe this is the beginning of my healing-grieving the fact that it will never be the same, ever. In the between time though, God has worked His good in all our lives.
I love you guys-Thank you for being apart of my life-even if it was for a short time

In the Between Time
In the between time, somewhere between worrying and trusting, give me the grace to carry on toward faith.

In the between time, when my mind likes to awaken my heart to anxieties, dangers and fears, give me the grace to move even a little at a time, towards trust.

In the between time, when people, circumstances, and situations are not solved, not ended, or not re-solved, give me the grace to wait for Your solutions of peace, not my "get it over with so I don't have to deal with it mindset."

In the between time when loneliness strangles my soul, when I look up to Heaven and all I see or here is "silence," when I turn to the left or the right and see no one, give me the grace to make the choice of trusting in the unseen.

In the between time when Your saints are holding on to You before the trumpet sounds, give us the grace to know You are here, You are for us and You will call us Home.....
after the between time.


ktrew said...

I haven't clicked on Lynn's blog for a long time because I didn't seen any posts. Wow - I love your writing and it applies to everyone. Everyone needs your expression of the heart that goes to the Word for strength.
Love, sis

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