
Movie Nights

They say laughter is the best medicine, and I do believe there is something to that. When you combine a room full of women, the BBC Production of Pride and Prejudice, chocolate, and the best peanut butter cookies I have ever eaten, believe me there was laughter! We all met at Dawn's house, ate Kristen's peanut butter cookies, and headed upstairs to the video room. I had decided that for our movie nights watching Pride and Prejudice (6 hours) I would have devotions on pride one week, then prejudice the next, and so on. Isaiah, and James combined for seeing God for who He is, and for also seeing our own hearts for what they really are, and just how much we need Jesus. Immediately watching the ravings of Mrs. Bennett and her daughters brought tears to our eyes as we laughed so much! I left feeling like I then needed to call Ken Mr. Cross all the time, trying to figure out which of my four daughters fit which character (never revealing what I really think), feeling ever so sorry for Mary, and instinctively wanting to speak in a British accent!
Fun was had by all, am already looking forward to next week as we come face to face with ourselves and reality, watching Pride and Prejudice. Thanks gals.


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Praise God!