
The Chronicles of Snobbery; Vol. 1

The last post about moving has hit me between the eyes, or should I say between the muscles of my back, shoulders and arms.  Moving is hard work.  Thrilled to have a place to put all my families "junk," I am also still going through the process of lifting, moving, and sorting through fifteen years of memories.  At the end of the day, my saying has been, "let's just throw it all away," but of course that is not possible, practical, or pleasing to the family members that surround me.  

I apologize for not writing, for i truly want you all to continue to enjoy my writing.  If i do not post anything, most of you will drift away to something much more interesting, and consistent.  To help with this dilemma, because it is a dilemma,  and because every night, all i want to do is fall into bed, and not write a blog post.  My friend, upsidedownbee, came up with a solution to keep the posts coming, the information current, and the fingers moving across my laptop.  Every day of the week we have come up with a title for each specific day.  These titles will match the passions of my heart.  Monday, today, is titled "The Chronicles of Snobbery."  
C. S. Lewis noticed a phenomenon that is still alive and well.  He called it chronological snobbery.  Moderns, he said, were ever putting down the people, the ideas, and the accomplishments of the past.  If you have ever seen the myriad of caricatures of men and women of the past being dumb, ignorant, or just out and out lame, you have witnessed chronological snobbery.  i have titled Mondays as a tribute to the past.  Without history we have no future.  Without knowing our past we will be doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past.  This applies in history as well as all of our various lives.  Mondays will have a wide range of topics, but always some how will be related to the past.  
I love writing, i love having feed back about my writing, good or bad.  Hopefully reading this you have learned something about Lewis, and that history is one of my passions.  History is His-Story,  all of your history, as well as the general large story.  God has a plan for it all.  Right now in my life i have no problem accepting that general big picture of God's plan.  What i am having a hard time with is that the plan He has for me is not comfortable at all.  I am confident that it is His plan, but it "don't feel good."  
I am learning on a different, deeper level that God's plan revolves around God, not me and my comforts.  Saints of Old, have gone out not knowing where they were going and so can i.  I will trust the Bridegroom once again who is holding on to my hand, and just as a bride looks longingly into the face of her lover, I will keep looking up, even though the path is hidden.  


b said...

Glad to see you get started with your dailies! b

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