Yesterday, on Monday's The Chronicles of Snobbery, I explained that to encourage me to keep writing daily that everyday would have a different theme based on one of my passions. Today is going to be titled, "Tuesday's Tomes." I really do not know if you could just say that books are my passion, I think they are more like an obsession. I gravitate to book stores, like bees to honey. Ken calls me's Customer of the Year numerous years running. I always have to check the bibliography in the back of books that I read, and that always leads to more book buying. Then there are the times when I peruse a used book store and end up with a bag full.
To say all of that, I am completely intrenched with books. I would like to believe that it is a reflection on the fact that Christ is called the Word. He would have us fall in love with words, truth, and wisdom from those words. I have gained much from phrases, well spoken sentences and words. I truly do not understand how one gets along everyday without reading. Ideas have consequences, ideas are spread by words. Words have power far beyond the power of the atomic bomb. Words shape us, mold us, encourage us, or defeat us. That is why every Tuesday will be devoted to tomes in one way or the other.
Personal note: Being in the smack dab middle of trying to move, please be patient with my writing. If you have every moved you can understand it is tough on the body. On this particular Tuesday Ken and are are going to the PCA head quarters to talk to the head "dudes" about the next step in our lives. On the road again...........
Obsessed? Ya think? :)
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