
Humility is the source of our Strength

"Getting Ready for the Bridegroom"


You can spend your whole life building, 
Something from nothing
One storm can come and blow it all away,
Build it anyway
You can chase a dream that seems so out of reach 
And you know it might not ever come your way
Dream it anyway
God is great, but sometimes life ain't good
and when I pray;
It doesn't always turn out like I think it should.
But I do it anyway, I do it anyway.

This world's gone crazy
And it's hard to believe
That tomorrow will be better than today.
Believe it anyway.
You can love someone with all your heart, 
For all the right reasons,
And in a moment they can choose to walk away
Love 'em anyway

God is great,  and God is good
And when I pray
It doesn't always turn out like it should
But I do it anyway, I do it anyway.

You can pour your soul out singing 
A song you believe in
That tomorrow they'll forget you ever sang
Sing it anyway, sing it anyway.

"Man's Chief end is to Glorify Him, and ENJOY Him forever."
Westminster Shorter Catechism-#1

I have been worried about all the plates I have been trying to keep whirling around and around above my head.  The plates all look different.  Some are small dessert plates that can only fit so much.  Some are large dinner plates crafted to fit entire courses of food.  I have come to the conclusion I have a much greater assessment of myself and my abilities than I ought.  If one of these plates falls and crashes at my feet, then it is You that will pick up the pieces and put them back together.  Why do I expend more energy than is necessary with the attitude that it is all up to me?  In fact, if I really let go of the plates would they all crash, or just the ones borne of my flesh and ego?  Help me to give them to You.  The plates that need to come down let them crash and burn.  They will all crash eventually anyway.  Even if I am able to publish curriculum, speak to dozens of women, one day I will be old and all I will want is my family. Nothing else will matter.  Give me only the ministry that You desire for me.  Let me worship You this day-Let me practice the art of loving You above all else; fame, fortune, visions of grandeur. Only worship will last.  When I am worshipping You, all the worry fades away. The plates, the things, the activities the dreams are Yours.  All that is Yours will last forever.  I have to be faithful, humble, and loving, and even those attributes are woven into my character by the master craftsman, no way can I credit them to my account.  As I worship You, let me then have an impact on others that you place in my path.   

Your Bride-Lynn


woman undercover ;) said...

Hi Lynn,

I just loved your blog and am adding yu in my favorite blog list. I just love this poem. You are so genuine and that reflects in your thoughts and verses depicted here. Hope to see more from you.


Anonymous said...

Lynn, I love the poem "Anyway"!I love your insightful writings, and challenges to my soul you bring about through them. I love you more than your writings.

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