
From a Simple Woman's Day Book

Idea from Upside Down Bee


Outside my window... is a view that I crave, the view of the lake at Tillery, the rolling hills, the beginnings of green shoots, and the water.
I am thinking... about friends from the past and friends in the here and now, and of all the things that I want to get done in a short period of time, and why all the rush?
I am thankful for... New Beginnings.
From the learning rooms...(if this applies) I seem to always be learning about how selfish I can be with my time, and my energy.
From the kitchen... How can I get out of the kitchen.
I am wearing... Still in my pj's.
I am creating... a devotional book for the kids and teens of Advent Church.
I am going... to the grocery store, and to get my nails done, hopefully.
I am reading...
Finished a novel by Ted Dekker last night, Green. Now am reading an excellent commentary on Judges, Such a Great Salvation by Dale Ralph Davis, and the book of I Kings.
I am hoping... I can finish the devotional book today.
I am hearing... the birds singing outside in a wonderful symphony of song.
Around the house... is only quiet.
One of my favorite things... to sit here and think and pray.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Several more soccer games, plans with Jessica and Dawn, class at RTS.


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