
Follow Him!

“I've been reading and meditating on Matthew 20:29-34 where the two blind men receive their sight. They cried out to Christ, louder and louder, even though they were being told to be quiet. "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!" This has been in my head day and night for a week or so. Hearing them cry, Jesus STOPPED. He stopped and called them and asked them point blank, "What do you want me to do for you?" In the same way you would ask me, "How can I help you? What can I do to make things better for you?" It just struck me, that all I (we) have to do is consistently call out to Him, even when others tell us it's no use or there's more effective things we could do, and He will STOP and ask me what He can do. Of course, He can do anything I need Him to, and of course, He already knows what I need. Yet, I think He wants me to TELL Him. For me to say I am depending on Him, abiding in Him, it is consistently calling out to Him louder and louder, no matter what others think. Waiting for Him to stop and have compassion on me and heal me. The best part of the passage is the end. They immediately receive their sight, and immediately followed Him.” Belinda (upsidedownbee.blogspot.com)

Read John 1:43

The next day Jesus decided to leave for Galilee. Finding Philip, he said to him, "Follow me."

Jesus says, “Follow Me.”

Where does Jesus ask us to follow? Where did His road lead?

Jesus first led the disciples to the place where He stayed. Then immediately after that, the disciples were compelled to tell the most important people in their lives about Him. Does this come into your mind when you are out and about, at the gym, the with your buddies, on the road, in class? Telling others about Jesus doesn’t have to be relegated to those that we know are lost. Do you pray with your friends about things that are on your hearts? Are you talking to your friends about Jesus, and about what Jesus is teaching you? If you aren’t let me encourage you to do so. Last year, Liz Martin (a great friend of my daughter Margaret's at Covenant College) made the most significant impact on Margaret. Margaret was a freshman basketball player, she needed someone to come alongside her. She prayed with her, encouraged her, played with her, and had devotions with her. She didn’t wait till she was; out of High School, in a ministry, or on the mission field. You can do that right now, and just watch it catch on like wildfire!

Christ never tells us to follow Him where concern for others is not present, or where we are not led into a greater, deeper, and more profound relationship with Him and others. Do you have a great concern for others? Are you not only talking to others that may not know Him, but are you developing relationships with other believers?

God has brought you to where ever you are for a reason, why not find out just what that reason is. Follow Him today!


Laurie M. said...

Great thoughts for today, Lynn. It's good to be reminded that He wants us to tell Him. Just like I talk to my hubby, even though he often already knows what I think - that's just part of the relationship. Thanks.

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Praise God!