I have recently read the book, The Princess Bride. My husband has been a fan of the movie for years, and I never really "got" the humor. So, I decided to read the book. It was one of the few books that are exactly like the movie, probably because the man that wrote the book also wrote the screen play. As I was laughing at the part in which Buttercup is about to be wed to the wrong man, Prince Humperdink, I found myself repeating the priest's words over and over, "Marwage, it's what brings us here today," or "Twoo Wuv." My kids all know the funniest lines and repeat them often, and now I am doing the same. As I was having fun giggling I was also reminded of the truth in the statements, metaphorically and substantially. Marriage is why I am where I am, and I married for true love. Metaphorically, I am looking forward to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb because of the true, pure love, of my Savior for I am His Bride.
We went to a fantastic church Sunday called Christ Central in Charlotte. The pastor's name is Howard Brown. He is African American and his assistant pastor is a very white anglo-saxon red haired man! Pastor Brown was accepting around 20+ people into his church as members that day and did a marvelous job of explaining membership. Afterward he told us that most of the people in the church have had no prior experience with a church, so therefore he goes overboard in explaining the meanings of things. What a great reminder to us "old Christians" that take those kinds of things for granted. He likened membership vows to wedding vows, and explained once again the vows that we have made to the Lord for we are His Bride. Most importantly He stressed the vows that Christ Himself has made to us and the fact that even though we will be unfaithful, He never will be. Thank you Howard for such a beautiful picture of beauty from ashes.
I have had the privilege of seeing that lived out before me for the past twenty-six years. My husband has been for me, a living illustration of the love Christ has for me as His bride. No, I am not saying that perfection has ever been reached or ever will be, but I have been blessed. Being in the ministry as long as we have been, we have counseled many couples having marriage problems, and I always walk away thanking God for my husband. We have had deep struggles, problems, issues of his and mine, but by God's grace we keep seeking Him together through it all. So......"Marwage is what brings us here today....." Keep seeking your Bridegroom Christ, and one day we will all sit down with Him at the marriage supper together.
Continually waiting for the Bridegroom......Lynn
Glad to see you posting! Good advice, too....loved this. Needed to be reminded that my vows to Christ ARE like my marriage vows...Love you, B.
Really made me laugh! I had to get back on the blog just because I miss you so much. Praise is really in order for our "Marwage", and it belongs to God. Miss you lots.
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