
Adorable Pictures

My friends upside down bee and journey to heaven had these pictures today on their blogs, and I really couldn't resist putting them on mine.  They made me smile, but they also touch mee on the two "somethings" that really bug me about myself.  I really want to be a happy, joyful, active old lady, like the woman in the picture.  I really want also to be at least thinner than I am now, and if I can't be.....well.....  No I am really not thinking, at least out loud, what the kitten is saying, but sometimes.......... Right now I feel very grumpy about being older.  I will be the big 50 in October, and I just am grumpy about it.  My husband, in my opinion, has gotten more handsome in his later years, and then well there is just frumpy old me.   I get out of the bed in the morning and it takes about 3 seconds to really straighten up, I went of Busch Gardens this week with friends and by the time we got back to their house at about 8:00, I couldn't keep my eyes open.  I think about getting old a lot lately.  What will my children do, will they resent my weaknesses, will they resent the fact that mom is not strong anymore?  Will they leave the house and forget about me and their old pop?  Maybe, but all the aches and pains, and inconveniences that I have acquired, is only moving me closer to a deeper dependence on the Lord.  Heaven is just a little closer today than it was  yesterday.


Anonymous said...

mom! call me

Anonymous said...

that was me margaret

Anonymous said...

good article by the way:)

Anonymous said...

Dearest Lynn: I don't think you are frumpy at all!!! But the rest I agree with you. Old age just sucks but it's the heart that matters and your heart is still soooo young. God has brought you to mind lately and I have found myself wondering what's happening with that cute couple in NC that has so many gifts. Email me an update when you have time. I love you lots - Deb

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