Here I am late again. Just now posting a Tome for Tuesday. This morning trying hard to post an amazing graphic masterpiece, I alas, could not make it work at all. I spent time making a flyer with pictures, colors, and unbelievable text, but it would not paste into the blogger for anything. It really makes no difference, I was late anyway, but I did want you all to know that I had tried. Then it was off to get my car inspected, it was a month late. Are we seeing a pattern here? Then it was off to the beauty supply store for my hair is turning gray, because I haven't colored it in months, procrastination has caught up with me. Then it was off to the Hallmark Shop where I bought two belated baby cards, and one card for someone that I haven't contacted in quite a while. I was late getting home from the grocery store, and too pooped to cook. I got Margaret, my 18 year old, to cook spaghetti, and discovered that I have waited too late to teach her how to cook.
Maybe I will wait till tomorrow to post Tuesday's Tomes.......
In my effort this morning, I did want to recommend a book that if you haven't read, you need to. Here we go again, another Lewis book. He was and is the premier apologist of the last two centuries, and possibly of all time. Rabbit trail: Peter Kreeft wrote a book about the day that Lewis died. It is excellent also. Lewis, JFK, and Alduous Huxley died all on the same day. Kreeft's book is about the conversations all three may have had on their way to their eternal homes. Very interesting to think about. Back to Mere Christianity, Lewis had two different premises for writing this book. He wanted to elucidate the important parts of Christianity that all Christians had in common. He also wanted to give an apologetic view of Christianity for the modern man (or woman).
If you have ever heard the illustration used about whether Christ was really a liar or a lunatic, then you were hearing Lewis and his book Mere Christianity quoted. How often do you listen to someone telling you that they are god? Christ made this claim and did not ever back away from it. He came telling us that He was friends with the creator of the Universe and that they were one. If we really believe that Christ came and was a good man, how many good men have you ever met that told you they were God? This would then bring him into the category of being a lunatic....or a liar.
He also wrote M. C. in order to lay down the common beliefs of all of Christendom. He wrote it as a template for defending his faith to his non-believing friends.
While I was in college, I took more than several classes at UAB (University of Alabama in Birmingham). I was thrilled at being surrounded by non-Christian people. I went to a small Bible College at the time, and missed being able to witness. While taking classes there, I was able to give everyone of my professors a copy of M. C. I also gave it to one of the gals in my English class. It is a wonderful tool, and recommend it highly.
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