*Tuesday's Tomes is a day set aside for reviews, analysis, opinion, surveys etc....etc...of my favorite pastime, books.
There used to be a time when I thought of myself as having a great capacity just to naturally love my fellow traveler on this sphere we call Earth. In those early by gone days, love was something that I felt, compassion for the down trodden, the helpless and the under dog. Then I grew up. First came marriage, then came kids, and more kids, and before I knew it I couldn't even love my dog with much zeal. Finding out that the love that I did have mostly was spent on myself, I learned more about the capacity that my heart had for selfishness rather than selflessness.
The first time that I read The Four Loves I had to repent of the just how selfishness had been guiding me, Jeremiah 17:9 could have been my life verse. Somehow I thought all the times that I had "played the martyr" that I was actually loving. You may be able to identify, the times when I would say, "but I work so hard...I do so much......he should do...for me....I did this for the whole family.....I was wrong. Lewis's book set me on a journey of knowing what real love was, and how to see it worked out in my life for Jesus' sake, not my own. He opened up my heart and mind to see love in a whole new way.
This summer if you find yourself struggling with any of the above maladies, stop, and take a gander at The Four Loves by CS Lewis. Then if you want a double whammy study The Beatitudes at the same time.
"The only place outside Heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all the dangers and perturbations of love is Hell."
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