
Sunday Sabbath-vol. #2

Ken is filling in for a church in Clemmons, NC while they look for a new shepherd.  It takes us at least an hour and a half to get there.  The drive has proved to be a wonderful family time.  Teenagers never stop, and for an hour and a half we have them corralled in the car with nothing to do but talk.  Mo's friend Alex came with us, and we enjoyed teasing him right along with the others.

Ken's sermon was on God's Will.  He told the folks that he was preaching to himself, and they could listen if they wanted to.  It spoke to me as we have many great opportunities for ministry at this time.  How hard it will be to choose.  I am confident that God will show us in which direction we are to go.    You can listen to Ken by going to  http://www.newhopepca.org/sermons_new.asp  Ken also has a new blog at crossrevilo.blogspot.com  

We spent the rest of the day with new friends, precious children, and good food.  The lake, the food, the boat, the water, the people, and the fellowship were refreshing and a balm to my soul.  We worship a Triune God who is relationship.  He has always been in relationship, and always will.  That is why He wants us to be in good relationship with Him, and with other believers.  It is His nature, and we cannot get around it.  
Thank you God for old, and new friends.  


Anonymous said...

So glad you had such a wonderful day! You are choosing to see the blessings God is giving you rather than focus on all the negatives of this difficult time. I'm so proud of you Lynn! God is about relationships and you stepping up to the plate to develop new ones. Love you, Lynn!

Sarah Martin said...

I am so happy to see what cool things God has blessed you with. Keep up the focus on Him alone instead of the present circumstances.


ps, baby born May 31-pic is on my blog

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