Saturdays are for random thoughts, and today was no exception. Multitudinous thoughts have been traveling through my brain today at the speed of light. The day started with writing in my journal and reading my Bible. Ken, Rebekah, and the three dogs (we are puppy sitting Katie's puppy), started out in 100 degree weather for my usual walking route. Ken got distracted at the Marina. They were having a fishing tournament and he was very curious as to what the poundage would be when all the anglers pulled up to the dock. Dallas and Bama, our golden retrievers would not leave the water, they stayed with "alpha man." They were the first casualties. Rebekah made it back to our street and decided that Katie's puppy looked too hot and tired to continue on. I was left abandoned for the next hour of my walk. Not that I blamed them, it was 100 degrees outside. My water bottle ran out in the first ten minutes of the abandonment phase, and the last 45 minutes found my mouth dry, my head hot, and my legs wobbling. I got to thinking about Moses walking in the desert after he escaped from Egypt. I started seeing lemonade stands on the side of the road and wondered what Moses pictured as he was traveling along. I am sure he was much more adapt than I was at desert life, being brought up living by the Nile, but still I wasn't that far from Lake Tillery either.
Thinking about Moses, deserts, and water made me concentrate on the fact that I was thirsty. It consumed my thoughts, mind, and throat. I wondered how thirsty I am for the Lord. Do I thirst so greatly that my thoughts are consumed by Him?
My golden retrievers the day before, after we had walked two hours, showed me a spiritual snippet. We were almost home. At the end of my street is a wonderfully shady house. Bama, the puppy, got to the shade and plopped herself down and did not want to move. Dallas picked up speed and raced for the shade in his own yard, where he knew water was waiting. He sat down in the shade and waited for us to catch up. Bama tried to sit down under every tree until she caught site of Dallas and ran to meet him in the shade of her own yard. How many times do I plop right down in the heat of things; trials, hurts, or pain and plop right down where I do not really belong? I try so hard to let other springs of water quench the thirst of my soul, or I try to gain strength from other shady spots, but they are not the source of where my soul will find the true well spring of living water, or "living shade."
My heart tends to wander into shady spots where it will never be satisfied.
On the way home from Wal-Mart, I listened to the song "I Can Only Imagine." and cried. My thoughts were racing to a time when the sin, hurt and devastation of this life will really be over. My sin especially. Sin in its various forms will be a thing of the past. No more betrayals, lies, and selfish motives to weep over. No more cries in the middle of the night that keep you from sleeping. My tears were ones of looking forward to the time when we will be surrounded by God's love, His forgiveness, His mercy, and it will be palpable.
Saturdays are times of random thoughts, spiritual insights, and gaining refreshment. Today was no exception.
Awaiting the only one to ever quench my thirst or to give me shade under His wings......Lynn
It is amazing how comfy those shady spots can become isn't it? False reality. We heard a good sermon today. The title was Brokenhearted Joy which really captured me, based on Job. Very timely.
Hope you had a great Sunday! I love you!
Great analogy...Glad to see you keeping up with your daily postings. Praying for you and Ken today. Love you, B.
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