
Pit Bull Attacks Golden Retrievers near Lake Tillery

A pit bull broke loose today and attacked a woman walking her dogs today in Albemarle near Lake Tillery Road.  The woman was quoted as saying, " I walk down this road almost every day and have seen this particular dog and knew someday it was going to either work itself off or the rope lead was going to give way.  I told my husband the second time we passed by the dog that it had a very thick collar on, probably because it has gotten loose before.  I have always been very wary of the dog.  Today when it took a hold of my puppy's neck I really thought that my dog was going to end up dead.  My older dog, Dallas, jumped right in there to save Bama and that is what saved her life.  The pit bull was going to go for the weakest first.  Dallas was big enough where he was not going to allow the dog to get a hold of his neck, so the dog went after Dallas's hind legs and tail.  That's when I picked up that 4" round stick/log over there on the ground and just started beating the pit bull as hard as I could.  I was also yelling at the top of my lungs.  After what seemed to be an eternity, the dog backed off, but continued to follow us up the trail.  I held on to the stick until we got home."  

One of the neighbors of the owners of the pit bull said that she had often been scared of the dog, and worried about it getting off of it's lead.  She has only lived at her residence for a month, but her uncle said that something needed to be done about the dog.  
The owner of Dallas and Bama, Mrs. Lynn Cross, immediately called the Animal Control Office of Stanly County, and talked to Officer "Gary T. Cooper", name has been changed to protect the innocent.  He said that their office would take care of the animal.  When he arrived on the scene the animal in question was running loose and began attacking another dog as the officer was trying to apprehend the dog.  Officer Cooper called Mrs. Cross after apprehending the suspect to let her know that the animal was in custody, and that in order for the owners to once again gain custody of their animal they must pay a fine, and meet state regulations for the containment of the pit bull.  He reassured Mrs. Cross that Stanly County was handling the situation.  He also informed her that if there were any vet bills for the owners to pay, that would have to be taken to Small Claims Court.  
"Thank heavens that my dogs were OK.  I just hope that it doesn't happen to anyone else.  It was very traumatic to see that dog try to get it's jaws on my dog.  It really shook up the rest of the day.  What if it had been a child?  Just a few minutes before I had seen some of the neighborhood children walking their dog at the same place.  I am so thankful this animal did not come after them."


That was my day, what about yours?


Sarah Martin said...

Oh my word!!! Lynn how awful. I had something similar happen to me when I was a kid, but my dog didn't make it-I am still traumatized by it. Glad you and the dogs are ok.


hipmissionary said...

Way to go girl - walk softly and carry a big stick! hopefully they will do something about the dog! Glad you are okay and Bama and Dallas also! Love you! C

b said...

Ugh! What a day! I'm so glad they're ok. You're a hero! B.

b said...

Matt read this posting and said, "Did you know Lynn was in the newspaper?" :) B.

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