I was not aware that bloggers had games. I think it would be hard to play duck, duck, blog, or ring around the blogger through the magical waves of the internet, but I have just today learned that there are games that one plays while blogging. One of them, presumably there might be more, is "tagging." You ask people questions, and then you have them tag the next person. Interesting. Maybe some one out there could invent more games for the internet. It seems that some of us do not really have much of a life.
Here goes, ready or not here I come.
1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
Ten years ago I was taking care of a two year old, a seven year old, an eight year old, a ten year old, and a twelve year old. Enough said.
2. Five Items on Your To Do List Today.
a. go fishing again with my husband, Margaret, and Bekah
b. go to the doctor in Augusta, GA.
c. call my sister in Atlanta
d. call my mother in NC
e. post a blog
3. Snacks I enjoy.
This is too easy.
a. popcorn
b. chips and salsa at Chili's
c. nuts
d. potato chips, the hard crackly kind
e. cheese!
4. What would you do if you were a billionaire?
Not tell anyone!
5. Places you would live.
Georgia, anywhere by a lake, or the Philippines
6. Bloggers I am tagging.
This is the hard part, all the bloggers I know have already been tagged.
What about Banana Pudding?
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