

                                                                   (thought this was hilarious, called "Stacked"!!)
(the real me)

I am behind thus far this year from last year.  Maybe that is a good thing.  I hope that i am reading more carefully, slowly taking in the sweetest of nectar, and leaving the pollen behind.  

Books I have read thus far this year:
  1. Great Expectations by C. Dickens
  2. The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood (repeat) by Howard Pyle
  3. Mr. Pip by Lloyd Jones
  4. Drawn to the Light by Marilyn C. Macyntyre
  5. Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges
  6. Echo in Celebration by Leigh Bortins
  7. The End of the Affair by Graham Greene
  8. Henry V by Shakespeare
  9. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (repeat) by JRR Tolkien
  10. The Blessing Book by Linda Dillow
  11. The Steadfast Heart by Elyse Fitzpatrick
  12. The Reason For God by Tim Keller
  13. The Unicorn by Anne Hathaway
  14. The Tale of Three Kings by Gene Edwards
  15. How to Write by Richard Rhodes
  16. The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper
  17. If You Want to Write by Brenda Ueland
  18. The Seven Sayings of Christ on the Cross by AW Pink
  19. Prayer by Richard Foster
  20. Transfer of Power by Vince Flynn
  21. Contending for Our All by John Piper
  22. The Healing Path (repeat) by Dan Allendar
  23. Paradise Lost by John Milton
  24. King Arthur by Sir Mallory
  25. Roses are Red by James Patterson
  26. Transfer of Power by Vince Flynn
  27. Separation of Power by Vince Flynn
  28. No Graven Image by Elizabeth Elliot
  29. The Third Option by Vince Flynn
  30. The Sugar Solution 
  31. Eat Right for Your Type by Dr. Peter J. P'Adamo
  32. The Man from St. Petersburg by Ken Follett
  33. Protect and Defend by Vince Flynn
  34. Greenwitch by Susan Cooper
  35. The Epistle of James by Thomas Manton


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