(thought this was hilarious, called "Stacked"!!)
(the real me)
I am behind thus far this year from last year. Maybe that is a good thing. I hope that i am reading more carefully, slowly taking in the sweetest of nectar, and leaving the pollen behind.
Books I have read thus far this year:
- Great Expectations by C. Dickens
- The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood (repeat) by Howard Pyle
- Mr. Pip by Lloyd Jones
- Drawn to the Light by Marilyn C. Macyntyre
- Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges
- Echo in Celebration by Leigh Bortins
- The End of the Affair by Graham Greene
- Henry V by Shakespeare
- Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (repeat) by JRR Tolkien
- The Blessing Book by Linda Dillow
- The Steadfast Heart by Elyse Fitzpatrick
- The Reason For God by Tim Keller
- The Unicorn by Anne Hathaway
- The Tale of Three Kings by Gene Edwards
- How to Write by Richard Rhodes
- The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper
- If You Want to Write by Brenda Ueland
- The Seven Sayings of Christ on the Cross by AW Pink
- Prayer by Richard Foster
- Transfer of Power by Vince Flynn
- Contending for Our All by John Piper
- The Healing Path (repeat) by Dan Allendar
- Paradise Lost by John Milton
- King Arthur by Sir Mallory
- Roses are Red by James Patterson
- Transfer of Power by Vince Flynn
- Separation of Power by Vince Flynn
- No Graven Image by Elizabeth Elliot
- The Third Option by Vince Flynn
- The Sugar Solution
- Eat Right for Your Type by Dr. Peter J. P'Adamo
- The Man from St. Petersburg by Ken Follett
- Protect and Defend by Vince Flynn
- Greenwitch by Susan Cooper
- The Epistle of James by Thomas Manton
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