
Sit Down Saturdays Vol. #1

Don't we all look forward to Saturdays?  Those days when we can relax just a bit, let down our guard just a bit, and not worry about makeup!!  I recently bought a hammock to put under the deck.  I am going to put it up today, move a small table on the porch next to it with some chairs, and get ready for any moment I can to climb into it, sip lemonade (sugar free), and read.  I have envisioned this for weeks.  It has not yet come to fruition, but in my mind, I can feel the breeze, taste the tart sensation of lemons, and I have just ordered a new book on Amazon.  Upside Down Bee just told me of this great novel that she is reading, and I just had to order it this morning.  It might just be the next "Tuesday Tome's" review. I really do not have enough books.
As I was reflecting back over this week, I became more and more grateful for what God had done. From the ashes He has brought forth the beginnings of even greater fruit, unbelievable answers to prayer, and a zeal for Him that was not there before.
Bekah's award ceremony at school was yesterday. I was dreading it because I would be going back into the church where I would be assaulted by memories, enemies, and despair. Immediately when I woke up yesterday morning, I did not have a qualm in my soul. In fact, I was looking forward to seeing some of the people that had made my life so rich the last fifteen years. I know someone was praying for me. I felt carried along by His Spirit. It was a blessed time of confirmation, consolation, and comfort from friends that will be friends forever. Mr. Johnson, my former headmaster, acknowledged me publicly. God gives us the affirmation that we need just when we need it. The biggest blessing that I had though, was watching my daughters Katie, and Bekah. They finished the race, they had courage in the face of animosity, and they trusted God in a hard place. It was Bekah's choice to go back, and Katie's too. Katie tuned her heart to her precious students, and did not look back. They both are an example that I looked to yesterday in walking back into the church. What a blessing I would have missed if I had not followed my daughter's examples. My seventh and eighth graders ran up to me afterwards and blessed my soul. Oh, how I miss teaching, and especially miss them. They stuffed Frodo, and Aragorn into the trunk of my car, and gave me a blessing beyond belief. Life can't get better than this.

Still awaiting the Bridegroom, sometimes on my hammock.....Lynn


b said...

I'm so proud of you for coming and I'm glad God blessed you in being there. Love you much, B.

hipmissionary said...

Hey, I'm glad you were able to go and that it was encouraging to you. I so wish there could be some real reconciliation between SH & y'all! Love ya, Cheryl

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