
Breathing Out and Breathing In by A. B. Simpson

A dear friend sent this to me.  Thank you friend of long ago.  

Jesus, breathe Thy Spirit on me,
Teach me how to breathe Thee in,
Help me pour into Thy bosom
All my life of self and sin.
I am breathing out my own life,
That I may be filled with Thee;
Letting go my strength and weakness
Breathing in Thy life divine.

Breathing out my sinful nature,
Thou hast borne it all for me;
Breathing in Thy cleansing fullness
Finding all my life in Thee.
I am breathing out my sorrow,
On Thy kind and gentle breast;
Breathing in Thy joy and comfort,
Breathing in Thy peace and rest.

I am breathing out my longings,
In Thy listening loving ear,
I am breathing in Thy answers,
Stilling every doubt and fear.
I am breathing every moment,
Drawing all my life from Thee;
Breath by breath I live upon Thee,
Blessed Spirit, breathe in me.


hipmissionary said...

Hey Lynn, came back to this poem this morning. Copied it and printed it and taped it to my desktop! Started singing it to the tune of a song, I can't remember the name - old hymn - can't even remember the first couple of lines, but further in it goes, "Jesus Thou art all compassion, pure unbounded love Thou Art, visit us with Thy salvation, enter every trembling heart." I know you know the song. Anyway, it helps me to be able to sing it. Love ya,Cheryl

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